56 Products
Total products: 56, Hidden products: 0Products 🔗 | ||
chl | Chlorophyll a concentration retrieved from Landsat-8 OLI | |
dl_rs_mda | Coastal Water Quality Maps derived from NASA MODIS-Aqua L2 Ocean Color (nasa_aqua_l2_oc) imagery using a deep learning model trained on an augmented in-situ based spectral library (DL-RS_V1) | |
dl_rs_mda_monthly | Monthly statistics for dl_rs_mda coastal water quality parameters | |
dl_wq_ls8 | Dense Deep Learning Model-derived Total Suspended Sediments (TSS), Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) retrieved from Landsat-8 | |
doc | Dissolved organic carbon retrieved from Landsat-8 OLI | |
ga_ls_mangrove_cover_cyear_3 | Geoscience Australia Landsat Mangrove Cover Calendar Year Collection 3 | |
jpss1_viirs_l2_iop | NASA NOAA-20 L2 Inherent Optical Properties, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
jpss1_viirs_l2_iop_nrt | NASA NOAA-20 L2 NRT Inherent Optical Properties, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
jpss1_viirs_l2_oc | NASA NOAA-20 L2 Ocean Color, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
jpss1_viirs_l2_oc_nrt | NASA NOAA-20 L2 NRT Ocean Color, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
jpss2_viirs_l2_iop | NASA NOAA-21 L2 Inherent Optical Properties, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
jpss2_viirs_l2_iop_nrt | NASA NOAA-21 L2 NRT Inherent Optical Properties, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
jpss2_viirs_l2_oc | NASA NOAA-21 L2 Ocean Color, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
jpss2_viirs_l2_oc_nrt | NASA NOAA-21 L2 NRT Ocean Color, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
landsat5_c2l2_sr | Landsat 5 Collection 2 Level-2 Surface Reflectance Product. 30m UTM based projection. | |
landsat5_c2l2_st | Landsat 5 Collection 2 Level-2 UTM Surface Temperature (ST) Product | |
landsat7_c2l2_sr | Landsat 7 Collection 2 Level-2 Surface Reflectance, processed using LEDAPS. 30m UTM based projection. | |
landsat7_c2l2_st | Landsat 7 Collection 2 Level-2 UTM Surface Temperature (ST) Product | |
landsat8_c2_acolite_ar_c3 | Landsat 8 Collection 2 Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Collection 3 with DSF GC | |
landsat8_c2_acolite_ar_rc3_dsf_gc | Landsat 8 Collection 2 Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Release Candidate 3 DSF GC | |
landsat8_c2_acolite_ar_rc3_exp | Landsat 8 Collection 2 Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Release Candidate 3 EXP | |
landsat8_c2l1 | Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level-1 (top of atmosphere) | |
landsat8_c2l2_sr | Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level-2 Surface Reflectance, processed using LaSRC. 30m UTM based projection. | |
landsat8_c2l2_st | Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level-2 UTM Surface Temperature (ST) Product | |
landsat9_c2_acolite_ar_c3 | Landsat 9 Collection 2 Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Collection 3 with DSF GC | |
landsat9_c2_acolite_ar_rc3_dsf_gc | Landsat 9 Collection 2 Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Release Candidate 3 DSF GC | |
landsat9_c2_acolite_ar_rc3_exp | Landsat 9 Collection 2 Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Release Candidate 3 EXP | |
landsat9_c2l1 | Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level-1 (top of atmosphere) | |
landsat9_c2l2_sr | Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level-2 Surface Reflectance, processed using LaSRC. 30m UTM based projection. | |
landsat9_c2l2_st | Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level-2 UTM Surface Temperature (ST) Product | |
nasa_aqua_l2_iop | NASA MODIS-Aqua L2 Inherent Optical Properties, regridded to WGS84 0.01 x 0.01 deg | |
nasa_aqua_l2_oc | NASA MODIS-Aqua L2 Ocean Color, regridded to WGS84 0.01 x 0.01 deg | |
nasa_aqua_l2_sst | NASA MODIS-Aqua L2 Sea Surface Temperature, regridded to WGS84 0.01 x 0.01 deg | |
nasa_terra_l2_iop | NASA MODIS-Terra L2 Inherent Optical Properties, regridded to WGS84 0.01 x 0.01 deg | |
nasa_terra_l2_oc | NASA MODIS-Terra L2 Ocean Color, regridded to WGS84 0.01 x 0.01 deg | |
nasa_terra_l2_sst | NASA MODIS-Terra L2 Sea Surface Temperature, regridded to WGS84 0.01 x 0.01 deg | |
s2_l1c | Sentinel-2a, 2b, 2c imagery, processed to Level 1C (TOA) in JPEG 2000 (AWS Region eu-central-1) | |
s2_l2a | Sentinel-2a, 2b, 2c imagery, processed to Level 2A (Surface Reflectance) and converted to Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs by element84 | |
s2_msi_certo_l2 | Sentinel 2 MSI aquatic reflectance and derived products from the PML CERTO processor | |
s2a_acolite_ar | Sentinel 2A Acolite Aquatic Reflectance | |
s2a_acolite_ar_c2 | Sentinel 2A Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Collection 2 | |
s2a_acolite_ar_c3 | Sentinel 2A Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Collection 3 | |
s2b_acolite_ar | Sentinel 2B Acolite Aquatic Reflectance | |
s2b_acolite_ar_c2 | Sentinel 2B Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Collection 2 | |
s2b_acolite_ar_c3 | Sentinel 2B Acolite Aquatic Reflectance Collection 3 | |
s3_olci_certo_l2 | Sentinel 3 OLCI aquatic reflectance and derived products from the PML CERTO processor | |
s3a_acolite_ar | Sentinel 3A Acolite Aquatic Reflectance | |
s3b_acolite_ar | Sentinel 3B Acolite Aquatic Reflectance | |
sentinel_3a_ol_l1_efr | Sentinel-3A OLCI EFR - Ocean and Land Color Instrument Level 1B Full Resolution | |
sentinel_3b_ol_l1_efr | Sentinel-3B OLCI EFR - Ocean and Land Color Instrument Level 1B Full Resolution | |
snpp_viirs_l2_iop | NASA Suomi-NPP L2 Inherent Optical Properties, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
snpp_viirs_l2_oc | NASA Suomi-NPP L2 Ocean Color, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
snpp_viirs_l2_sst | NASA Suomi-NPP L2 Sea Surface Temperature, regridded to WGS84 0.0067 x 0.0067 deg | |
sst | Sea surface temperature retrieved from Landsat-8 TIRS-2 | |
tss | Total suspended solids retrieved from Landsat-8 OLI | |
water_quality_hyperest | Water quality maps retrieved from Landsat-8 OLI with the HyperEst model |